1a. c:ðc:k
PÝX p:_i. 'Smallpox broke
out.' (see Bahri's
eSax:aT:i ý
ehndi- Aúg:Òðz:i
2. ekt:ab: em:l:
g:I ! 'Found the book!'
3a. m:òø
... j:an: g:y:a
ek ... 'I learnt from his
sister that he was sick.'
Explanation: In this set of three the distribution
of vectors is determined by grammar. In (3b) the use of vector
p:_ is the remnant of an
old passive. The phrase j:an:
p:_ is now a fixed expression which means 'seem' or
(in 3b) 'learn' or 'find out' and which requires kað of experiencer (= the person
who found out). The construction in (3a) is
straightforward. Use of vector j:a implies the learning or finding
out did not involve effort. Contrast (3a) with the more
deliberate j:an: el:y:a of
4a. dada ki g:a_i
... b:aðl: j:aOg:i.
4b. dada ki
t:s:v:ir ... b:aðl:
Explanation (speculative): Does the
existence of a special idiom b:aðl: j:a 'break down entirely;
stop working' favor the use of vector p:_ when commoner meanings of
b:aðl: are intended?
5a. ray: s:ahb: ka
m:Øúh eg:r g:y:a. (from
g:aðdan: )
5b. b:cc:a
m:Øúh kñ b:l: eg:r p:_a /
(adapted from g:aðdan: )
Explanation: If eg:r p:_a were used in (5a) the sense
would be something like 'Ray Sahib's face fell down', like a
mango from a tree!
6a. s:ðn:a
Sahr p:r XÜX p:_i ... 'Like a
tiger the army fell on the city.'
Explanation: The role of subject in
the idiomatic expression XÜX
p:_- 'attack' is an unlikely one for a coconut.
7a. ... AaúK:aðø s:ð ... Aaús:Ü en:kl: p:_ð.
g:aðdan: )
7b. ... ,p:O haT:
s:ð en:kl: g:O ...
(from g:aðdan: )
Explanation: It is possible to use
g:O in (7a) as well as the
p:_ð that
)ðm:c:nd chose.
However, in (7b) using p:_ð instead of g:O would work against the sense of
loss. Compare a similar explanation for the g:I in (1b).
8. v:h
p:Øel:s: kñ s:am:n:ð PÝX p:_a.
'He revealed everything to the police.'
(see Bahri's SabdkaðSa.)
9a. गाड़ी निकल गई । एक–एक करके कुली स्टेशन के बाहर चले गए ।
प्लेटफार्म पर मौन छा गया ।
(from भीष्म साहनी's story "माता–विमाता")
9b. फटाफट पानी के दो बाॅटल और एक काॅफी लेकर वापस आ ही रहे थे
कि ट्रेन निकल पड़ी ।
Explanation: In (9a) the train leaves the scene but we as readers are still
at the station. In (9b) we are back [just barely]
Back to exercise.
To notes on p:_ as vector.
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar .
Drafted and posted 23-27 Jul 2004.
Checked and commented on by Â:i
s:Üy:ü em:¶:l: and Raô0 s:ØrðS:
kÙm:ar Aug 2004. Emended 17 Aug 2004.
1b. b:aðt:l:
PÝX g:I. 'The bottle broke.'
Explanation: In (1b) the event of bursting
leads to the destruction of the bottle. It "goes away". In
(1a) the breaking out of the disease leads to its presence, not
its absence. Compare remarks about l:aòX p:_ versus l:aòX j:a in notes.
Explanation (speculative): The event
of getting or finding
denoted by em:l:- can only
lead to the presence of the book, not to its absence.
Vector j:a's residual
sense of going away is canceled out and with it the need to
express a contrast by using vector p:_.
3b. m:ØJ:ð ... j:an: p:_a ek ...
'I learnt from his sister that he was sick.'
(see Bahri's SabdkaðSa.)
3c. m:òø
n:ð ... j:an:
el:y:a ek ... 'I learnt
from his sister that he was sick.'
'Grampa's car (was so
bad it) looked as if at any moment it would give up the
'Grampa's portrait
(was so good it) looked as if at any moment it would speak.'
'Ray Sahib's
face fell.'
'The boy fell on his
6b. K:aðp:_i
p:tT:r p:r XÜX g:I ... 'Like a
teacup the coconut broke on the rock.'
'...tears of joy flowed
from Govindi's eyes.'
'... if I lose the
money, I'll be ruined.'
Explanation: The use of vector
j:a instead of p:_ would denote an actual physical
'The train left. One by one
the porters went out of the station. Silence spread over the platform.'
हमें जल्दी से दूसरी बोगी में चढ़ना पड़ा।
(from yayawari-sanjiv.blogspot.com/2015/06 )
'We were hurrying back with two bottles of water
and a coffee when the train started.
We had to quickly get into a different bogey.'
on board the train. Compare a similar explanation
for निकल पड़ी in (10) in the notes.