A participle is a form derived from a verb that is used as an adjective. In Hindi there are three participles:
1. The participles in -वाला (see review):
हम छै बजे चलनेवाली बस की इन्तज़ार में हैं ।
'We're waiting for the bus that leaves at
2. The present participle in -ता (हुआ) :
चलती (हुई) गाड़ी से मत उतरो !
'Dont get off a moving train.'
3. The past participle in -या (हुआ) :
देवताओं को चखे हुए फल चढ़ाए नहीं जाते ।
'You don't offer the gods fruit that's already
been tasted.'
These participles provide alternatives to the use of relative clauses in certain tenses.
1'. The -वाला participle usually
substitutes for a relative clause in a habitual or progressive tense:
हम बस की इन्तज़ार में हैं जो छै बजे चलती है।
सामने से आनेवाली एक गाड़ी मेरी गाड़ी से टकरा गई ।
'An oncoming car struck mine.'
एक गाड़ी जो सामने से आ रही थी मेरी गाड़ी से टकरा गई .
2'. The present participle usually substitutes for a progressive tense:
गाड़ी से तब मत उतरो जब वह चल रही हो ।
3'. The past participle usually replaces a clause in a past or perfect tense:
जो फल चखे गए हों वह देवताओं को नहीं चढ़ाए जाते ।
Of the three, the past participle is perhaps the most commonly used and certainly the most complex. When made from an intransitive verb it modifies its subject:
4. जली हुई रोटियां अलग रखो।
'Put the burnt rotis to one side.'
However, if made from a transitive verb, it modifies its object:
5. मेरे जलाए हुए प्रेमपत्र कैसे पढ़ोगी तुम ?
'How will you read my loveletters if I've burnt
This means that the present participles corresponding to past participles
(like किया हुआ) are explicitly marked passives (like किया जाता हुआ) and that
किया हुआ means the same thing as किया गया हुआ:
6. किये हुए कामों और किये जाते हुए कामों में बहुत फ़र्क़ है।
'There is a lot of difference between something
that is done and something that is being done.'
When expressed, the agent of a transitive past participle normally gets
7. तुम्हारा सूट गांव के दर्ज़ी का सिया हुआ लगता है।
'Your suit looks like it was sewn by a village
Only with a few reflexive transitives like पी-, खा-, and पहन- may a past participle modify its agent.
8. उसके निराशा-B:rð S:bdaðö n:ð D:en:y:a kñ c:aðX K:ay:ð hØO Ædy:
m:ðö Aat:økm:y: kmp:n:-s:a Ral:
edy:a T:a.
9. g:aðb:r c:m:ac:m: b:ÜX
p:hn:ð hØO T:a.
For other speakers the n:ð remains
with the subject and both parts of the past participle agree with the
direct object:
Of course, if the direct object takes kað, then both parts of the verb take the
masculine singular default in -Aa:
(from s:Ø\:m:
b:ðdi's short story ec:e_y:a
Aaòr c:il:.)
13. p:`ð-el:K:ð haðkr B:i t:Øm: Oðs:ð
c:aðri krt:ð hað ?
Past participles of verbs that, for the most part,
describe changes in bodily position or condition, may have present stative
meanings: b:òYa 'sitting',
l:ðXa 'lying', p:_a 'lying around', s:aðy:a 'sleeping', s:mB:al:ð 'balancing', el:y:ð 'holding', p:k_ð 'clutching', eCp:a 'hiding', eCp:aO 'concealing', etc.:
15. t:Ømhara kb:a_a y:haú
kb: ka p:_a hØAa hò.
As we saw in example (9) if such past participles governing objects are
used predicatively they do not usually agree with their subjects (16) or
their objects (17), but assume instead a default form in -O :
16. m:ðri c:c:ðri b:hn: c:ac:aj:i ka
haT: p:k_ð hØO T:i.
17. S:aðB:a n:ð kha --
t:a_i t:að
ep:y:ð hØO hað, us: p:r
kht:ð hað, Ok p:òs:a B:i
n: Cað_a !
19. n:s:ü n:ð m:riz: kað
m:ðz: kñ n:ic:ð s:aðy:ð hØO
Like forms in -t:ð ( hØO ) they may also serve as adverbs to the main
20. haT:aðø m:ðø s:ara
s:am:an: s:mB:al:ð hØO v:h drv:az:a K:Øl:n:ð ki
)t:ix:a m:ðø b:ahr K:_i hØI T:i.
Both the present and the past participles figure in kað-expressions of elapsed time:
22. us:kað t:òrn:a s:iK:ð hØO
dað hFt:ð B:i n:hiø hØO ek us:n:ð g:øg:a
n:di p:ar krkñ edK:a di. (or edy:a )
See further examples and a detailed discussion of the use of participles in time expressions.
An earlier version of these notes appears as § 21B of Hindi Structures, pp.
English to Hindi translation
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Keyed in by ev:v:ðk Ag:rv:al: 1-2 May
2002. Posted 4 May 2002. Proofread and linked 6-7 May 2002. Augmented and
relinked 16 June 2002.
'These despondent words of his filled Dhaniya's
bruised heart with a tremor of dread.'
(from Chapter One of g:aðdan: )
When the past participle of a transitive verb is used as a predicate
adjective to express a state, the n:ð
that is ordinarily found with the subject disappears:
'Gobar was wearing shiny new shoes.' (from
Chapter Twenty of g:aðdan:. Context.)
Notice that in (9) although the past participle p:hn:ð hØO modifies the masculine
singular g:aðb:r, it assumes a
masculine oblique "default" form.
For some speakers, when the past participle is of a
transitive verb, the hØAa part shows
adjectival agreement [ hØI in (10)],
while the main verb remains in the default form [ b:aúD:ð in (10)]:
10. v:h n:il:i s:a_i b:aúD:ð
hØI Q:Üb:s:Ürt: Aaòrt: m:ðri G:rv:al:i
'That beautiful woman wearing the blue sari is my
11. " y:h G:r us:kñ el:O Oðs:i s:ray:
hò ej:s:n:ð us:ð
m:ØFt: p:n:ah di hØI hò
'For her this home is an inn which has given her free
refuge (=lodging)...'
12. " b:hØt: eb:g:a_a hØAa hò
t:Øm:n:ð l:_ki kað&&& t:is: s:ð t:að Up:r
hað g:y:i, S:adi kb:
krðg:i ?"
"You have completely spoiled your girl. Over thirty!
When will she get married?"
There are also a few idioms (like English "a well-read
but very drunken man") in which the past participle of a transitive verb
modifies its agent while its patient is elided:
'Even though you're educated you steal like this?'
14. eb:ll:i eK:_ki m:ðø
l:ðXi hØI T:i.
'The cat was lying in the window.'
'Your junk's been lying around here for ages.'
'My cousin was clutching my uncle's hand.'
'Shobha said, 'Here you are, drunk on toddy, and you
claim he didn't let you have even one pice!'
(from Chapter Seventeen of g:aðdan: )
These forms may function as complementizers in
parallel to V-t:a, V-t:ð and V-t:ð V-t:ð:
18. m:òø b:òYð
b:òYð t:øg: Aa g:y:a hÜú.
'I am tired of sitting around.'
'The nurse found the patient sleeping under the
'Balancing everything in her hands she was standing
outside waiting for the door to open.'
21. Ab: edl:ip: kað c:in:i p:`t:ð
hØO b:arh s:al: hað g:O haðøg:ð.
'Dilip must have been studying Chinese for twelve
years now.'
'It hadn't been two weeks since he learned to swim
when he showed he could swim across the River Ganges.'